
英语绘本:The Kidnappers《阵阵惊魂》

英语版 2024-01-09

Kipper was sad because the magic key would not glow.He looked at the key for a long time.At last he fell asleep.Suddenly, the key glowed and the magic  began to work.Kipper很伤心,因为魔法钥匙不会发光。他看了很长时间的钥匙。他终于睡着了。突然,钥匙发亮了,魔法开始起作用了。
Kipper 's toys were coming to life.Teddy gave Kipper a shake.'Wake up, 'he said.'The magic key is glowing.The magic is working.Kipper的玩具开始有生命了。Teddy给了Kipper一拳。“醒醒啊”,他说。“魔法钥匙闪闪发光。魔法开始运转了。”
Kipper sat up and rubbed his eyes.He looked at his toys.“Come on, Kipper, ”said Catsimir.'Hurry up! It's time for a magic adventure.”Kipper坐起来揉了揉眼睛。他看了看他的玩具。“来吧,Kipper, ”Catsimir说。“快点!现在是进行魔术冒险的时候了。”
The toys ran to the little house.'Hurry up, Kipper, called Teddy.'Be quick, or it will be too late.Kipper could feel the magic working.It pulled him inside the magic house.玩具跑到小房子里去了。“快点,Kipper,叫上Teddy。快点,否则就太晚了。”Kipper可以感觉到魔法的作用。它把他拉进了魔法屋。
The magic whizzed Kipper round and round.Oh help, called Kipper. 'I feel different.This is a different sort of magic.神奇的嗖嗖声不停地旋转。“哦,救命,”Kipper说。“我感觉不一样。这是一种不同的魔法。”The magic took them to an airport.It was a very busy airport Catsimir was excited."Maybe we can catch a plane,' he said.'Maybewe can have an exciting adventurel!"魔法把他们带到一个机场。这是一个非常繁忙的飞机场。“也许我们能赶上飞机,”他说。“也许我们可以有一个激动人心的冒险!”
There were bears everywhere.They were going to Switzerland'They're going to the Teddy Bears'Picnic.' said Teddy.'They have one every year."这里到处都是熊。“他们要去瑞士,他们要去参加泰迪熊的野餐。”泰迪说。“他们每年都有一次。”'Maybe we can go too, ’said Bunbury.Kipper was not sure.'How can we?’he asked.’Of course we can go,’ said Teddy.'This is a magic adventure.“也许我们也可以去,”Bunbury说。Kipper不确定。“我们如何?’他问道。’我们当然可以去,’Teddy说。'这是一次神奇的冒险。'
Kipper and his friends went on the aeroplane to Switzerland.They flew over lakes and mountains.'What a beautiful place fora picnic! 'said Kipper.Kipper和他的朋友们乘飞机去了瑞士。他们飞过湖泊和山脉。“多么美丽的地方野餐啊!”Kipper说。When the plane landed everyone got off.There were lots and lots of bears.Kipper had never seen so many.They had come from all over the world.It's going to be a big picnic.' said Kipper.当飞机着陆时,每个人都走了。这里有很多很多的熊。Kipper从没见过这么多。他们来自世界各地。‘这将是一次大的野餐。’Kipper说。
There was a bus at the airport.It was going to the Teddy Bears' Picnic.'Come on,' said Catsimir, 'if we runwe con catch this bus.在机场有一辆公共汽车。它要去参加泰迪熊的野餐。“来吧,”Catsimir说,“如果我们能赶上这班车的话。”
Kipper liked Switzerland.It's beautiful here, said Kipper.It was fun on top of the bus.The bears waved at everyone and everyone waved back.Kipper喜欢瑞士。这里很漂亮,Kipper说。在公共汽车顶上很有趣。熊向每个人招手,每个人都向它招手。
At last the bus arrived.Everyone got off.'I’ve never seen so many bears, said Kipper.'We’d better stay together, In case we get lost.'
Kipper and his friends found a goodplace to sit.Suddenly, everyone shouted and cheered.A famous bear had come on to the stage.He waved at the crowd.'Welcome to the Teddy Bears Picnic,'he said.Kipper和他的朋友们找到了一个好地方。突然,每个人都欢呼起来。一只著名的熊走上了舞台。他向人群挥手。“欢迎来到'泰迪熊野餐',”他说。
'I know him, 'said Kipper.'He's a very famous bear indeed.I've read all his books.'“我认识他,”Kipper说。“他的确是一只非常有名的熊。我读了他所有的书。”
Another famous bear came on to the stage.He began to tell jokes and singfunny songs.Everyone laughed and cheered.'I know that famous bear, too, 'said Kipper.'I've seen him on TV.'另一只著名的熊走上舞台。他开始讲笑话和唱歌。每个人都笑了起来,欢呼雀跃。“我也知道那只著名的熊,”Kipper说。“我在电视上看到过他。”

 A famous pop group came on to the stage.They played while the bears had their picnic.'This is the best picnic I've ever been to, 'said Kipper.一个著名的流行乐队走上舞台。他们在熊野餐的时候演奏音乐。“这是我去过的最好的野餐,”Kipper说。Kipper had an autograph book.He wanted some of the famous bears to sign their names.'I can show them to Biff and Chip,'said Kipper.'Then they'll know I've had a magic adventure.Kipper有一本签名书。他想让一些著名的熊签名。“我可以把它们展示给Biff和Chip,”Kipper说。“那么他们就会知道我经历了一场神奇的冒险。” They went to find the famous bears.But there was trouble.Some nasty bears were pushing the famous bears into a car.' It's a kidnap, 'said Bunbury.'We must do something.'他们去找那些著名的熊。但是有麻烦了。一些可恶的熊把著名的熊推进了汽车里。“这是绑架,”Bunbury说。'我们必须做点什么。'The car sped away.Catsimir saw a van.'Come on! 'he shouted. 'Get in!We can follow the kidnappers in this van!'汽车疾驰而过。Catsimir看见一辆货车。“快来!”他喊道。“进去!我们可以跟踪这个货车里的绑匪!”
Catsimir drove the van as fast as he could.The car went even faster.It drove up a mountain road.'Faster, faster, called Bunbury.'Dont lose them!' called Teddy.Catsimir尽可能快地开着货车。车开得更快了。它行驶在山路上。“快,快,”Bunbury大叫。“不要跟丢了!“Teddy大叫。
The car drove through some big gates and stopped in front of a house.The famous bears were pushed inside.'It looks dangerous, said Kipper, 'but we must rescue them.I have a plan.'汽车驶过一些大的大门,停在一所房子前面。著名的熊被推到里面去了。“看起来很危险,”Kipper说,“但我们必须营救他们。我有一个计划。”
Kipper and Catsimir went to the house.Kipper rang a bell.Some nasty bears came to the door.'Free honey! called Kipper.'Free honey for every bear.Kipper和Catsimir去了那所房子。Kipper按了门铃。一些可恶的熊来到门口。“免费得蜂蜜!”Kipper说。“每只熊都有免费的蜂蜜。”
The nasty bears were greedy and they couldnt resist the honey.They didnt see what Teddy and Bunbury were doing.Teddy went to the car and took out the keys.这些可恶的熊很贪婪,他们无法抗拒蜂蜜。他们看不出Teddy和Bunbury在做什么。Teddy走到车边拿出钥匙。
Bunbury went to the back of the house and  looked through a window.He saw the famous bears.They were tied up.Bunbury走到屋后,透过窗户往外看。他看到了著名的熊。他们被绑起来了。
Bunbury set the famous bears free.Then they all climbed out of the window.'Come on, said Teddy. "FolIow me and don't make a sound."Bunbury把著名的熊放了。然后他们都爬出了窗户。“来吧,”Teddy说。“跟着我,别出声。”
  The famous bears crept into the honey van.  The nasty bears didnt see them because they were too busy eating the honey.著名的熊爬进了蜂蜜货车。那些可恶的熊没有看到他们,因为他们忙着吃蜂蜜。
One of the nasty bears saw that thefamous bears were escapingThey're in the honey van!" he  shouted 'Go after it!其中一只可恶的熊看到了那只著名的熊在逃跑,“它们在蜂蜜车里!”他喊道,“去追它!”
Catsimir drove the honey van as fast as he could.The nasty bears ran after the van but they got stuck in the honey.'Hooray! shouted Kipper.Catsimir尽可能快地开着蜂蜜货车。可恶的熊追着车跑,但是他们被困在蜂蜜里了。“万岁”Kipper喊道。The famous bears were pleased with Kipper and his friends.‘You were very clever,' they said.'Thanks to you the Teddy Bears Picnic can go on!”那些著名的熊对Kipper和他的朋友们很满意。“你很聪明,”他们说。“谢谢你们,泰迪熊野餐可以继续了!”
The magic key began to glow.It was time for Kipper's adventure to end.'I can't wait to tell Biff andChip about it,' he said.魔法钥匙开始发光。现在是Kipper冒险结束的时候了。他说:“我迫不及待地想告诉Biff和chip。”
'The magic key glowed last night, ’said Kipper.
'I had a magic adventure.’
'We don’t believe you, 'said Biff.
'No, it was just a dream, 'said Chip.


    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第一季(1-52集全)

    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第二季(1-53集全)


    合辑 | 英文版《小猪佩奇》第三季(1-52集全)


01-Sam sheep can't sleep《绵羊山姆睡不着》

02-When I Get Bigger《当我长大了》

03-Maisy's Christmas Eve《小鼠波波的平安夜》

04-Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!《生日快乐,丹尼和恐龙》

05-Ten Apples up on Top《头顶十个苹果》

06-The Little Egg《小鸡蛋》

07-Little Big《小大人》

08-Bob's Secret Hideaway《鲍勃的秘密藏身之处》

    09-A Jumper for James《詹姆斯的套头毛衣》

    10-The Hat《帽子》

    11-New Blue Shoes《蓝色新鞋子》

    12-Changing Colours《会变色的兔子》

    13- Where the Wild Things Are 《野兽出没的地方》

    14-My No, No, No Day! 《什么都不要的一天》

   15-Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill 《杰克、吉尔和大狗比尔》

   16-Elephant's Ears《大象的耳朵》

   17-The Mermaid and the Octopus《美人鱼和章鱼》

   18-The Very Busy Hen《忙碌的母鸡》

   19-Time for school《上学时间到啦》

   20-I Love You《我爱你》

   21-Doing Nothing 《无所事事的小青蛙》

   22-Mother Sea Turtle《海龟妈妈》

   23-Mom and Kayla《妈妈和凯拉》

  24-Rabbit on the run 《奔跑的兔子》

  25-Llama Llama Misses Mama《拉玛想妈妈》

  26-Dinosaur Roar《恐龙在咆哮》

  27-The Crow And The Jug《乌鸦喝水》

  28-What do you like? 《你爱吃什么》

  29-Give Thanks For Each Day 《感谢每一天》

  30-The Doorbell Rang《门铃响了》

  31-Biscuit Visits the Big City 《小饼干去大城市》

  32-It's Okay to Be Different 《不一样没关系》

  33-Ten Black Dots《十个小黑点》

  34-I Love School 《我爱学校》

  35-Biscuit and the Lost Teddy Bear《小饼干和泰迪熊》


  37-Let's Be Friends Again《我们做回朋友吧》

  38-The Mitten《手套》

  39-Good Dog 《乖狗狗》

  40-I Want A Friend 《我想有个朋友》

  41-You need money《你钱不够了》


  43-I Will Surprise My Friend《给朋友一个惊喜》

  44-The Raft Race 《木筏比赛》

  45-Ten, Nine, Eight 《十,九,八》

  46-A Colorful Chameleon 《变色龙带你认颜色》

  47-I Am Invited to a Party 《我去参加聚会》

  48-Ready for anything《做好一切准备》

  49-Rain in the Country《乡村的雨》

  50-A Colorful Chameleon《变色龙带你认颜色》

  51-The Three Wishes 《三个愿望》

  52-The Naughty Sheep《淘气的绵羊》

  53-Winnie's Midnight Dragon《温妮和午夜小飞龙》

  54-Jump and Fly《跳吧飞吧》


